Saturday, October 22, 2011

Roving Journals

Individual: A Roving Journal is a personalized binder/composition notebook/blog/or box that is the students to keep. It will stay in the classroom and the students will take turns writing in one anothers journal.
If it is a day when the classroom journal gets read then the students will find time to write in someone elses journal when they have free time. If it isn't a day when they read aloud the classroom journal then they write in one anothers' journals in the morning.

Students can make entries how ever they want. However, encourage them to use what you are studying in class. If you are doing a poetry unit have them write their next entry as a poem.

You can asses these by randomly reading them to see how they applying what you are teaching them. It also allows you to learn about them.

Classroom: A Classroom Roving Journal is created when the teacher writes a letter to the class. The teacher also includes an artwork of some kind.  It then is given to someone to take home. Together the family reads the letter and responds  to the first letter. The child who took the journal home then comes back and reads it to the class in the morning to start each day. Classroom journal goes home Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. The next take home day the child will take home the journal, read it as a family, and respond to the latest letter. They'll come to school the next day and they'll read it aloud... and the process starts all over.

TAWL Conference 10-22-11

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